Thursday, August 02, 2007

oh judi, my judi

any horoscope that includes dame judi dench is well worth posting. but the fact that this is my horoscope and the story is freaking awesome is just icing.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your astrological omens are similar to those experienced by Oscar-winning actress Judi Dench back in February 2002. At that time, she was moved to make a dramatic revelation to film mogul Harvey Weinstein. In the midst of a party, she pulled down her pants to reveal her naked ass, revealing a temporary lipstick tattoo that read "I love Harvey Weinstein." I'm guessing you might be inspired to unveil a comparable surprise in the coming days, Sagittarius. At the very least, I expect you'll find some intriguing ways to express your affection and demonstrate your ardor.

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